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Stock Screener Q & A

(1) How do I find stocks or currency pairs that have a specific candlestick pattern associated with them today?

(2) How do I find stocks or currency pairs with a gain of at least 7% on the 1st day after a bullish candle pattern with positive strength appeared in the HotCandlestick history database?

(3) What does a scan for weekly candlesticks look like?

(4) How do I find which candle patterns have worked best for particular stocks or currency pairs?

(1) Find a candle pattern for a stock

How do I find stocks or currency pairs that have a specific candlestick pattern associated with them today?

1. Log in then tap or click "Search Databases" page.

2. Select 1 or more candle patterns along with your other criteria.

3. Tap or click the "Search" button to see the results.

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(2) Example search of history database

How do I find stocks or currency pairs with a gain of at least 7% on the 1st day after a bullish candle pattern with positive strength appeared in the HotCandlestick history database?

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(3) Scan for weekly candle patterns

What does a scan for weekly candlesticks look like?

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(4) Which candle patterns have worked?

How do I find which candle patterns have worked best for particular stocks or currency pairs?

1. Login then tap or click "Search Databases" page.

2. Scroll to the bottom form and select your criteria.

3. Tap or click the "Search" button to see the results. (Note: These are just examples and are not meant to suggest criteria to enter.)

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